Текст сообщения у всех одинаковый. В нем говорится, что министры иностранных дел трех стран серьезно обеспокоены принятием законопроекта об "иностранных агентах" в первом чтении.
"Если Грузия хочет продвигаться к ЕС и НАТО, она должна придерживаться принципов демократии, верховенства закона и прав человека", – сказано в заявлении.
We, Foreign Ministers of * , are seriously concerned about the adoption of so called Foreign Agents Law in the 1st reading. If Georgia wants to progress towards the EU and NATO, it shall uphold to the principles of democracy, rule of law and human rights
— Edgars Rink * vi * s (@edgarsrinkevics) March 8, 2023
We, Foreign Ministers of * * * , are seriously concerned about the adoption of so called Foreign Agents Law in the 1st reading.
If #Georgia wants to progress towards the EU and @NATO , it shall uphold to the principles of democracy, rule of law and human rights.
We, Foreign Ministers of * * * , are seriously concerned about the adoption of so called Foreign Agents Law in the 1st reading. If Georgia wants to progress towards the EU and NATO, it shall uphold to the principles of democracy, rule of law and human rights.
— Gabrielius Landsbergis * (@GLandsbergis) March 8, 2023